Delirium is widespread among patients in ICUs and surgery units. We review the workup and management of this common condition and give you tips to help prevent it in high-risk patients.
Drug screen accuracy depends on several factors, including the type of lab test, the number of hours since the patient’s use of the drug, and more.. Dr. Moeller reviews key points.
Patients with psychiatric conditions are more likely than other patients to experience chronic pain and to receive opioid prescriptions. Dr. Lin shares her holistic approaches to pain management that incorporate psychosocial, psychotherapeutic, and psychopharmacologic treatments.
Highly prolactin-elevating antipsychotics, like haloperidol, risperidone, and paliperidone, are associated with an elevated risk of breast cancer, particularly among young women.
We worry about the detrimental effects of social media on mental health, but can social media attention be used to promote positive health outcomes? The media attention surrounding a hip-hop song about suicide prevention was associated with a significant drop in suicides in the days that followed.
Dr. Hendrick is a clinical professor at the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA and is the director of inpatient psychiatry at Olive View—UCLA Medical Center, where she carries a caseload of patients and provides teaching and supervision for medical students and psychiatry residents. After completing medical school and psychiatric residency at UCLA, she spent several years working as a principal investigator and co-investigator on N.I.M.H. funded research studies. She has authored or co-authored over 75 research papers, editorials, books and other publications. She has a long-standing interest in the needs of severely mentally ill patients from underserved populations and has worked in community mental health settings her entire career.