It is the best of drugs; it is the worst of drugs. Quetiapine (Seroquel) has a few benefits that are unmatched by other medications, and here we explore where it fits in depression, bipolar, schizophrenia, as well as off-label uses like anxiety and sleep.
Psychotic depression is difficult to detect, and antipsychotics are not as effective in this condition as we’d like to think. Conrad Swartz explains why 1 in 3 cases of psychotic depression are missed, its complex relationship to trauma, and how to treat it.
Former Chairman of the American Psychiatric Association Benzodiazepine Task Force Carl Salzman explains the legitimate medical use of benzodiazepines and their relevance in psychiatric practice.
Dr. Aiken is the Editor in Chief of The Carlat Psychiatry Report; director of the Mood Treatment Center in North Carolina, where he maintains a private practice combining medication and therapy along with evidence-based complementary and alternative treatments; and Assistant Professor NYU Langone Department of Psychiatry. He has worked as a research assistant at the NIMH and a sub-investigator on clinical trials, and conducts research on a shoestring budget out of his private practice. Follow him on Twitter and find him on LinkedIn.