Joshua Feder, MD
Editor-in-Chief, The Carlat Child Psychiatry Report
In this issue, we look at the complex relationship between bullying and suicidality and offer a range of ideas on how to help your patients with this all-too-common problem, both in the office and in advocating for your patients, with resources to boot. We also take on the issue of suicidality related to the use of antidepressants—is it real? What do we do about it? We interviewed Dr. Danella Hafeman, who talks about the current bottom line on whether antidepressants work for depression in kids. Finally, we have a case study interview with Dr. Cal Colarusso, a renowned psychoanalyst who ran UCSD’s child fellowship training program for many years, looking at the care of a depressed college student through a developmental lens. We think this helps us to consider our patients’ symptoms in a lifelong context—let us know what you think!